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For the farmer groups and asso patecore
Equipment and non-monetary assets that are needed by the farmer groups and asso patecore (implementation unit of the ALCD) can in most cases only be bought in Ouagadougou (Capital city of Burkina Faso). But some of the equipment is very expensive (e.g. vehicles, computer equipment, printer cartridges or they are of minor quality (crow bars and sledge hammers for breaking up the stones).

Even if the transportation costs for the carrier and customs clearance are high, specific donations-in-kind are highly welcome.

For supporting organization Terra-Verde e.V.
Especially during the start-up phase donations-in-kind  are a big support, especially with regard to office and computer equipment.

Donations-in-kind require careful planning and prior arrangements
The annual plans also include an investment plan in which all the required non-monetary assets that are suited as donations-in-kind are technically specified.

Interested person and groups can request the investment plan and/or directly contact the sponsoring association Terra-Verde.
