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Sponsorship for farmers’ groups


You can as:

• an individual person
• a family
• colleges
• a school class
• an association
• or another group of persons or organizations

take over an annual sponsorship for one or several groups of farmers or for a whole village.

Transportation costs for the stones including logistics and quality control are covered by such a sponsorship.

Here some examples of possible annual partnerships:

500,00 EUR
For a small group of farmers that build stone walls on about 3,0 ha per year.

750,00 EUR
For a larger group of farmers that build stone walls on about 4,5 ha of farmland within a year.

1.500,00 EUR
For a small village with several farmers’ groups that build stone walls on about 9,0 ha of farmland.

When taking over a sponsorship you receive an individual donations report and pictures to document the progress.

Financial donations can be taken as a deduction on your tax return


With your donation you can support a special group of farmers or a village.

That is an area on which groups of farmers can build stone walls per year
(3-4,5 ha)

Here a whole village organized the construction of stone walls. You can support these efforts with a sponsorship.